Picture of Sterile Bucket Liners

Sterile Bucket Liners


Designed for easy cover changes, this large flat mop is ideal for cleaning surfaces such as ceilings, floors and walls. The padded head allows for a consistent contact with different surfaces. The covers easily fit over the head permitting a quick change.

Texwipe® AlphaMop™ features a large 15" x 8" (38 cm x 20 cm) thermoplastic mop head, 60" (1.5 m) fiberglass handle, pad and fastening pins. It is perfect to use with Texwipe buckets (not recommended for use with TX7054 or TX7063).

Features & Benefits

  • Quick-change system allows the user to replace covers / pads frequently, adhering to strict cleaning protocols 
  • The polyester pad assures the mop cover to conform to surfaces for consistent cleaning 
  • Texwipe’s 100% polyester covers provide the cleanest substrates available for cleaning walls, floors and ceilings
  • Low profile, swivel head with lightweight handles enables easier cleaning of floors, walls, ceilings and hard-to-reach areas
  • Available in standard and autoclave safe models


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Product Number Description Packaging Details
Picture of Bucket Liners STX7099
Sterile Bucket Liners
29.5" x 35.5" (74.9 cm x 90.2 cm) 2 liners/bag 25 bags/case